AeroKit HSE 20 Person First Aid Kit
HSE kits have a filling which complies with the HSE recommendations in The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981. All kits are supplied with a wall hanging bracket, tabs for security seals and are filled with quality Aero brand components ensuring the highest level of care for your personnel in time of emergency.
AN1011 - Aero A6 First Aid Leaflet x 1
AP1042 - AeroPlast W/P Assorted - Env/10 x 4
HSE01EA - AeroWound HSE Eye Pad x 4
ABN90 - AeroBand Non-Woven Tri-Bandage 90cm x 90 x 127cm x 6
ASP-12 - AeroPin Safety Pins 3 Sizes Nickle Plated - Pack/12 x 1
HSE12EA - AeroWound HSE Medium Dressing 12 x 12cm x 9
HSE18EA - AeroWound HSE Large Dressing 18 x 18cm x 3
AW6000-EA - AeroWipe Saline Cleansing Wipe x 10
AG001 - AeroGlove Vinyl Gloves Large Powder - Pair x 2
Dimensions: 260(H) x 210(W) x 90(D)mm