Sweetbird Chai Syrup 1 Ltr
This aromatic syrup contains real cinnamon, cloves, ginger, cardamom and allspice, which is then blended with tea to deliver a warm and mellow sweetness. Just three pumps in steamed milk and a soothing chai is ready to serve. Combine three pumps of chai with steamed milk for a warming alternative to hot chocolate in winter.
- Warm and mellow sweetness
- Made in Bristol, UK using British sugar
- Use 2 pumps to flavour a 12oz drink
- Create a warming Spiced Chai latte, hot chocolate or frapp?
- Can be used in baking
- Free from artificial colours and preservatives
- Made using natural flavours
- Registered with The Vegan Society
Dimensions: 296(H) x 85.5(W) x 85.5(D)mm